How to motivate yourself if you feel discouraged?

If you feel demotivated at this time to carry out an activity, it is likely that your inspiration is not focused on some objective. By not having a clear focus, you will go down an uncertain path that will lead to a lack of motivation to get ahead.

In such a situation, you should take a positive attitude as much as possible, trying to put your mind to work to set a short-term goal and thus overcome reluctance.

Overcoming this situation is not easy, but these 3 questions will help you get your life on track and get you out of that state of depression that you are experiencing.cómo superar el desgano personal

5 ways to increase your motivation

1. What is wrong?

No matter how busy you are, if you suddenly realize that you are in a state of depression , something is not working personally or professionally. Are you working a job that you hate? Are you neglecting your health? Are you serving someone else’s needs and not your own? Ask yourself, deepen and identify what is missing in your life.

2. What is my “why”?

When the “why” of your life is lost, you are like a ship adrift, at the mercy of circumstances and external forces. A truly satisfying life is lived from the inside out.

We rarely ask ourselves this crucial question: “What is my intention, or my goal?” The reason you go down a road enduring the bumps in the road is part of the process of building something worthwhile, like a business adventure, or a healthier body.

What is your “why” for being here on earth? Why are you dating a certain person, working hard on that project, or neglecting your dreams? Answer those questions to come to the conclusion of what your goal is in this life.
cómo superar el desgano profesional

3. What do you need to do now?

The harsh reality in life is that nothing works until we do it. Action is the only thing that can get you out of a depression, and it’s the best antidote to worry, fear, and waiting.

You can boost your energy with a simple task, like tidying up your desk, taking a walk, or just moving around to do various tasks or errands.

Simply put, the main enemy of depression is activity. A small step can be the first to reach the total transformation and end up being a happier and more committed person with your life.


  • Susie Moore, “How to Motivate Yourself When You Feel Lazy AF.” For Greatist [Revised July 2016]