Core training for cyclists

Like all cyclists, you must surely feel tired every time you get on the saddle for a certain amount of time, pushing yourself to the maximum.

Even if we give the best of ourselves, we always want to improve each time a little more; But this cannot always be achieved, because our body may not support such physical demands (either due to a lack of power in our muscles or due to a lack of resistance). In addition, spending so much time in the same position on the bike can also impair our performance, so we need to work the chorus muscles to be able to last longer on the bike.

Get more resistance on the bike thanks to this core workout for cyclists .

Core exercises for cyclists

This 10-minute routine will make you work those muscles that are key to helping improve your power and endurance in the saddle.

Do 12 repetitions of each movement, one after the other without rest, and repeat the procedure in the same way until the set time passes. The results of all these exercises will make you last longer riding your bike. Are you ready to face the challenge?

1. Side plates

Begin by getting into a push-up position. Lie on your side and balance with your right hand, extending your left arm toward the ceiling. Then place the left foot on top of the right foot, thus resting on the edges of the feet.

Hold this position for 1-2 seconds and come back to the center in a push-up position. Subsequently, you must change sides (that is, in the opposite direction) now maintaining the balance with the left arm, and as in the previous case, hold that position for the same number of seconds and return to the center again.

Entrenamientos para ciclismo

2. Cobra raises

Lie on your stomach, with your legs and arms extended, your back at about 45 degrees and with your palms facing down.

Next, we must contract the buttocks, squeeze the shoulder blades, press the legs on the floor and lift the torso upwards as much as possible (just raising the chest is enough), rotating the arms so that our thumbs are pointing towards the the ceiling. Don’t forget to keep your neck straight.

Once this is done, we must pause and then return to the starting position again.

Ejercicios para ciclistas

3. Dead bug

Lie on your back with your arms extended towards the ceiling and with your legs perpendicular to the floor, bending your knees at 90 degrees. Try to keep your back completely flat.

Then slowly lower your left arm together and your right leg at the same time. Afterwards, the arm should reach towards the head while the leg is straight, until your back begins to lift. After this, return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Entrenamiento para ciclistas

4. Unilateral gluteal bridge

Lie on your back, arms at your sides, palms down. Your knees should be bent and your feet flat on the ground near your butt.

Then squeeze your glutes and lift your hips, creating a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

Then raise and extend your left leg, keeping your hips level. With this done, lower your butt back to the ground to start over and repeat on the opposite side.

puente de glúteo unilateral


Core training is vital for cyclists since it is the best way to be able to last for so long in the same position on the saddle. In the same way, you can also perform flexibility exercises that allow you to mitigate the effects of spending so many hours on the bike.


  • Selene Yeager, A Killer Core Workout for Cyclists Who Hate Crunches. For Bicycling [Revised January 2016].