4 exercises to improve the flexibility of cyclists

Many riders at this time of year evaluate their past results, set new goals, and create plans to reach their goals. If one of your goals for the upcoming season is to work faster in your cycling workouts, then add some simple flexibility exercises to your training routine.

Flexibility is the key to an aggressive riding position. That’s why targeting your hips, glutes, hamstrings can help you improve flexibility and range of motion in an aggressive position. Discover these 4 exercises focused on these important parts of your body for cycling.

4 exercises to improve flexibility in cyclists

1. 4-muscle stretch

This exercise targets the hip flexors, gluteus medius, and lower back. To do it:

  • On a mat, start by placing your back and feet flat on the floor.
  • Cross your right ankle over your left knee.
  • With both hands, take a good grip on the back of your left thigh. You should feel a stretch across your glutes.
  • To further feel the stretch, push your right knee toward you.
  • Do three reps per side for 20-30 seconds.

Ejercicio de Figure 4 stretch

2. Primary stretch in squat position

This exercise targets several muscle groups in the lower body including the glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, soleus, and calves. The squat is a movement pattern that many of us have lost over time, so you may find it difficult at first. To do this exercise, find a chair or something that you can use to keep your balance.

  • Start with your feet apart.
  • Slowly lower yourself into a squat position until your thighs are resting on your calves.
  • Once you are in the squat, look forward to maintain a neutral back.
  • Do three reps and hold this position for 30 seconds, and work from there for four to five minutes.

estiramiento en posición de sentadilla

3. Standing hamstring stretch

This exercise targets the hamstrings. It can be so easy, but at the same time difficult to do correctly. To get started consider these steps:

  • Find a raised surface that is equal to or slightly below the waist.
  • Place one leg on the surface. From there, lean your upper body toward the raised surface toward your leg. The key is to keep a very flat back and square your hips.
  • Lean forward until you feel a very solid stretch along the back of your thigh.
  • Perform three reps per side for 20-30 seconds.

Estiramiento de los isquiotibiales

4. Hamstring stretch supported by a door or table

This is a different alternative to the traditional standing hamstring stretch. Using a gate will allow you to exercise deeper than you might be able to do the traditional exercise. To do this, consider the following steps:

  • Find an open door or table and place a rug in front of the door.
  • Raise your right leg up so that it is parallel to the door.
  • Place the heel of that foot on the door and slide forward until you feel a stretch along the back of your thigh.
  • Let your upper body relax on the floor.
  • As your hamstring flexibility increases, slide your hips forward until your entire leg is parallel to the door.
  • For best results, flex your toes towards your body.
  • You can also perform this stretch with the help of a resistance band, as shown in the image.
  • Do three reps per side for 30-60 seconds.

estiramiento de isquiotibiales para ciclistas


1. Stretches that lengthen the hamstrings can help you avoid the knee and back pain that are common when trying to adopt an aggressive stance on the bike.

2. Hamstring inflexibility may limit your ability to reach full extension on your pedal stroke.

3. These are just a few flexibility exercises you can use to improve your hips, glutes, and hamstrings.

4. If you have a stretching routine try adding these to it.

5. Do these stretches when the muscles have been warmed up; whether after a training session or a walk.

6. Remember that stretching cold muscles or before training can do more harm than good.

7. Lastly, consistency is the key to a solid stretching routine, and stopping this routine for a week will cause you to lose your gains.

Rutina para ciclistas


  • Getter, G. 4 Stretches for Cyclists to Increase Flexibility. For Trainingpeaks [Revised January 2016]