5 mistakes you make while running that you did not know

If you are a runner, you know very well that only with a perfect technique while you run will you be able to perform better and avoid pain or injury. But when you’re in the middle of a race, it can be difficult to keep control of, for example, your posture because your mind is more focused on keeping a good pace to match or beat your times.

While there are general guidelines for maintaining good running posture, every runner is different, and this is known by Gregory Holtzman, director of the Washington University Running Clinic in the United States. In it, personalized evaluations are made to each runner to help them improve their technique. Based on the cases that have come to his clinic, Holtzman has been able to find 5 common mistakes runners make.

1. Inappropriate running technique

There are many mistakes that detract from the quality of your run, but in this case, Holtzman found that the most frequent is the one to push with one leg more than the other. The expert indicates that asymmetry in your running can be a trigger for chronic pain.

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2. Bring your knees together when running

When we run, our knees are supposed to be in line with our hips, but when the hip muscles are weak they do not support the weight of your body correctly, and that imbalance is received by your knees, causing them to arch inwards and receive extra impact. Holtzman generally recommends in these cases doing exercises that strengthen the glutes , key muscles in strengthening the hips, improving mobility and general stabilization of the body.

3. You lean a lot on your heels

There is no one style of running stride that is better than the other, but the magnitude of the impact when your feet come into contact with the surface varies if most of the force is absorbed by the heel or the balls of your feet. According to Holtzman, runners who lean more on their heels receive a greater impact than those who use the tip of the foot.

If your tread is focused on the back of your feet and you’re experiencing pain, Holtzman notes that you don’t need to change your tread pattern, but seeing a physical therapist can help you make small changes to your tread mechanics to decrease the inconvenience.

4. You move your arms incorrectly

Holtzman states that irregular arm movements are one of the leading causes of back pain in runners. A controlled arm movement synchronized with that of your legs will decrease the stress on your spine.

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5. You don’t know what type of foot you have

There are different types of foot, and each has specific footwear needs. If you are a regular runner and you buy any pair of shoes from the sports store just because you find the features impressive, you may be doing yourself more harm than good. Holtzman points out that wearing the wrong shoes can lead to hip, back, and knee pain, which is sure not to improve your performance. Going to a sports center or a sports store specialized in running where they perform a footprint analysis is the best option to find out what type of foot is yours and find shoes that suit your needs.


  • Amanda Chan. 5 Running Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Make. For LiveScience [Revised September 2015]
  • John Davis. The relationship between hip strength and running injuries – the latest research. For Runners Connect [Revised September 2015]
  • Mariana Fonteboa. What is the correct posture for running? For ByRunners [Revised September 2015]