6 reasons why traveling abroad makes you healthier

They say that traveling is one of the best remedies out there. And, isn’t the idea of going to other places and learning about their cultures exciting to you? It is truly enriching and satisfying.

However, did you know that traveling also helps your health ? It is proven that people who travel often rejuvenate their spirit and mind.

The mind controls everything, by doing any type of activity that actually fills you up, the body also benefits. Therefore, you must know 6 reasons to travel and benefit your health.

Viajar beneficia enormemente a tu salud

5 reasons to travel abroad and benefit your health

1. It relaxes you

We all love vacations, no matter if they are long or short. Having a break from time to time is a fundamental requirement to be a 100% productive person. The stress and anxiety that you accumulate daily due to work and responsibilities diminish when we are on vacation, and even more when we make use of them by traveling to places we have never been.

If you are an obsessive person or a workaholic, it is best that the destination you choose to travel is as far away as possible from your reality and where the time zones do not coincide. In this way, it will be difficult for you to stay connected to the world of work and you will be able to enjoy your well-deserved vacation much better. They are called that for a reason, right?

Cómo irte de vacaciones al extranjero beneficia a tu salud

2. Decreases the risk of heart disease

Like physical exercise, traveling also helps lower your risk of heart disease. Everything is seen from a better perspective when traveling, learning about other cultures and dealing with people of different thoughts. All of this really supports cardiovascular health.

Studies show that people who travel regularly for pleasure are less likely to suffer from heart attacks or coronary heart disease, compared to those who only travel for business or not.

Therefore, if you are under constant stress or anxiety, it is imperative that you take a break. Life is not just about work and responsibilities. Take it easy, pack your bags and reduce these risks.

Viajar disminuye el riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas

3. Reduces the risk of depression

Moods such as depression, sadness and anxiety are really difficult to combat. Not only does depression affect mood, but it also affects blood glucose levels, cardiovascular health, the immune system, and stress hormones (cortisol, serotonin, adrenaline).

On the other hand, people who travel are happy, laugh more, and are more relaxed because they have no worries at that moment, and they leave their mind blank. Therefore, such people are less likely to suffer from depression or any negative mood or state of mind. It is almost as good as meditation. Try it!

Viajar es una de las curas para la depresión

4. Expand your perspectives on life

Being in contact with other types of people, cultures, stories and gastronomy makes your mind more open to new changes and situations. It makes you a more self-confident person, it makes you more perceptible to everything around you, and above all more empathic with people. What’s more. You go through situations that make you think and reflect, improve your countenance, and totally change your way of thinking.

Traveling is as healthy as doing any activity that you are passionate about. You know the point of view of others and even if you do not share them, you gain tolerance along the way. It favors your interpersonal relationships, helps you to be a more sociable person and expands your horizons.

Rest assured that when you take your bags and go to the farthest place you can, you will not be the same.

Expande tu mente y perspectivas viajando

5. Helps you exercise

People who are constantly involved in their daily and work routine tend to put exercise aside. A sedentary lifestyle is the most deadly habit that exists for human beings. From there come many diseases and conditions such as obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides, stress, depression and poor social skills.

When you travel, you exercise. Rest assured that it is. You dare to visit the most emblematic places of the place, get to know its museums, neighborhoods, gastronomy and culture; and all this, walking. Not only that, it helps you dare to do things that you wouldn’t normally do, like climbing a mountain, diving, and practicing any sport that is related to the country you visit.

Viajar a otros lugares te ayuda a hacer más ejercicio


Get out of your comfort zone. There is a world out there, don’t limit yourself and always settle for it. A person who really needs a break or a long vacation is characterized by:

  • He is addicted to work and his routine, and although he loves what he does, it is harmful to his health.
  • You have an impressive stress load and this can lead to serious problems with depression.
  • They do not develop well their interpersonal relationships, turning the individual into an isolated person and with difficulty to get along.

To correct all these evils, there is nothing like traveling. Find information about tourist destinations that may interest you, book your ticket and pack your suitcase. It’s probably what you need to get out of that stalemate you’re in.


  • Manning-Schaffel, V. 8 Ways traveling abroad makes you healthier. For Livestrong [Revised October 2017]