5 strategies to maintain your physical shape when traveling

Traveling at some point involves a series of plans that can challenge our senses. From the choice of destination, to the way in which we will properly prepare our luggage. But what happens when you stay in shape while traveling?

For these questions and many more, complying with your routines, exercises and diets with high and demanding nutrition content can become an evaluation of the ingenuity that we can apply.

We prepare for you a series of strategies that will work for you so that you can enjoy your trip while maintaining your physical shape .

Cómo mantener la forma física cuando viajas

How to keep your physical shape when traveling

1. Always travel with a plan

If you want to remain in ideal conditions during the period that you are going to be traveling, you should strategically consider a plan, that is, an acceptable one that can help your body not to let go of the routines and characteristics to which it has been getting used. A minimum of physical activity to sustain regularity will be the basis of an effective design of the training plan that you employ when traveling.

You must take into account the factors that you usually do. Issues such as nutrition, diet, protein, carbohydrates, goals and routines, for example, are important elements to efficiently develop this plan. In fact, you have to be aware that this method is only useful knowing well the previous exercise factors.prepara un plan de entrenamiento al momento de viajar

2. Stay hydrated

Contrary to popular belief, there is literally no easier way to get dehydrated than when traveling. Yes, don’t frown. And it is that in most airports and land terminals, the entry of liquid beverages is restricted, in one way or another; making it a bit difficult for you to properly keep this condition under minimal control. Remember that hydration is part of the plan.

You have to be alert about which drink is ideal to maintain proper hydration . Remember that the best ally you have for this purpose is water. Although, you may encounter problems to be able to buy or package it, you do not necessarily have to get this vital liquid in these facilities. An empty container brought from home, refills on the plane, you drink and that’s it.hidratarse es importante para mantener la condición física al viajar

3. Focus on protein

It will not be an easy thing to complete this step, because it will depend on the quality and quantity of food you eat during your trip. In order to reach the daily protein goal, and continue with your minimum plan to maintain your physical condition, you should know that small snacks, or sweets that you can buy in kiosks, will not be enough or recommended.

Prepare your body for the trip . Before boarding flights, or catching trains for long hours, make sure you’ve filled your bag with nutritious bars. These meet the ideal protein average per gram that you consume. In other words, its apparent weight is represented with excellent amounts of protein to help your body maintain your physical condition.

Therefore, whenever you can, try to eat protein if you are going to go on a trip .consume proteínas al viajar para mantener tu condición física

4. Accept unconventional food and workouts

Unconventional foods are those that when mixed will provide you with the ideal amounts of protein and nutrients necessary for your daily diet, but that are not part of what you normally eat. Foods such as protein bars with a healthy snack will help you with the necessary calories.

On the other hand, when traveling, hotel rooms do not have the comforts and conditions that you do find in your favorite gym, but the lack of sports facilities does not limit you. Running helps a lot.

Maintaining a small routine of two kilometers a day will keep you totally toned. Short routes of physical activity will make your body not notice the change in your routines.

Cómo mantener tu forma física cuando viajas

5. Take care of your back and your mobility

Hours, both by car and by plane; Even on the train, in uncomfortable seats can – and will – feel your muscles, especially your lower back, stressed. For these obvious reasons, remember that stiffness is not your friend.

Pause a bit and take the extra time to apply small local massages to areas that tend to tension. The back, neck and shoulders are the most affected.

As with massages, mobility is imperative. After all, it’s all about fitness, right? For these reasons, do not hesitate to perform stretching exercises in the main motor areas: trunk, extremities, joints, etc.

Mix the massages and mobility exercises and you will see that during the trip, your body will not notice the absence of regular physical activity .

Cómo cuidar la movilidad cuando viajes


Traveling can be tedious when it comes to maintaining optimal physical condition. For these reasons, you should be aware of how to sustain your routines, nutrition and diets with the following suggestions:

  • Design a plan that suits your pace and exercise characteristics when traveling.
  • Don’t forget to stay hydrated as much as possible.
  • Remember to pack enough protein supplements so that you can regulate your daily intake, no matter where you travel.
  • Release muscle tension and combat stiffness with targeted massage.


  • McBrairty, A. Stay fit while traveling. For Breakingmuscle [Revised September 2017]