15-minute medicine ball HIIT routine

It seems hard to believe, but in recent years we have seen medicine ball routines lose popularity, and we really don’t understand why.

Certainly, every day there are more and more technologies and devices that are displacing (at least temporarily) the previous ones, but if we think about the uses of the medicine ball, it is difficult to imagine a more complete product since:

  • It serves as a weight or as a platform for training balance.
  • Improves stability and abdominal strength.
  • Work several muscle groups in a coordinated way.

Many coaches, however, have managed to preserve the use of the medicine ball in gyms, and devise new ways and routines of use that are increasingly complete. The example of HIIT routines , because they are short and practical, are the ones that best illustrate this.

Rutina HIIT con balón medicinal

HIIT routine with medicine ball

The 6 exercises in this routine should be performed like all HIIT routines, that is: with maximum effort intervals and little or no rest.

You should perform each exercise for 60 seconds, with the shortest rest time between each. After completing all the exercises (first circuit), take a break of about 30 seconds and start repeating the cycle again.

If you are a beginner, use a lightweight medicine ball, about 2.5 kilos. Then you can go up the weight.

La rutina HIIT definitiva con balón medicinal

1. Lateral lunge with press

  • Start standing with both feet together and holding the medicine ball at chest level.
  • Bring the right leg to the right side, in a lateral lunge motion, where the foot is resting on the toes at a 45 ° angle and the knee is at an approximate 90 ° angle with the thigh
  • Maintaining the position, bring the ball towards the right foot, keeping it about 3 cm from the ground.
  • Pressing with your right foot, lift yourself back to the starting position.
  • Without pause, move to the left side, keeping your right foot supported and slightly arched.
  • Quickly and hard, lift the ball over your head to the left side, being careful not to hurt your shoulders.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.

2. Swing reverse lunges

  • Start standing up, holding the small medicine ball at belly level (or even a light kettlebell).
  • Lower yourself into a lunge position, bringing your left leg forward, with the knee at about 90 °. The right leg remains extended back, slightly bent.
  • Arching your back slightly, swing the ball forward (the movement should end when the ball is slightly behind your head, or to a lower height that is more comfortable for you).
  • Bring the ball back and reverse the entire movement slowly until you are in the starting position.

3. Medicine ball push-ups

  • Start in a raised plank position, with one arm fully extended and the other resting on the ball, with the elbow slightly bent.
  • The body must remain stretched, forming a straight line from the feet to the head (without raising or lowering the buttocks).
  • Flex the arm that you have extended, and while you do it keep the elbow next to the side.
  • Return to the starting position and do the exercise again, this time shifting the ball to the other side.

4. One-legged gluteal lift

  • Start by lying on your back on the floor, with your right knee bent and your foot on the medicine ball. The other leg should remain extended and in the air, the foot flexed and the knee bent as little as possible.
  • Press your right foot to lift your glutes into a bridge position. The left leg should remain extended and facing the ceiling.
  • Return to the starting position, without supporting your glutes too much.

5. Medicine ball crunches

  • Start lying on your back, with your knees bent and your feet about 25 cm apart from your buttocks.
  • Hold the ball with your arms extended above your head, without letting it touch the ground.
  • Squat into a sitting position and twist your torso to the left. Simultaneously, extend your arms bringing the ball to your left knee.
  • Straighten up, bring the ball back to the level of your head, and descend to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise changing sides.

6. Lunge with log cutting motion

  • Start standing up, holding the ball with both hands above your head, and from there jump into a lunge position with your left leg at a 90 ° angle.
  • During the jump, swing the ball to the left side, a few inches from the hip.
  • Take the ball to the other side, while you jump to change legs, landing again in a lunge: this time you bend your right leg and keep your left back, while taking the ball to the right side.
  • Repeat the movement alternating sideways until the entire exercise is complete.


  • The 15-Minute Medicine Ball HIIT Workout. For Daily Burn. [Revised December 2016]