15 minute bodyweight circuit to burn fat

If you are one of those who uses lack of time as an excuse for not training, from now on you will need to find another one so as not to stay in shape and put training aside.

Working with forklifts is highly recommended for all types of users. In addition to being cheap and not needing any type of implement, it is quick to execute and you can do it anywhere: you only need to get a handful of desire and fifteen minutes of your time.

circuito 15 minutos para quemar grasa

Bodyweight circuit to burn fat

1. Side plank with rotation

With this exercise you will work the entire core area. It is a stability and strength exercise for the abdomen and the oblique muscles of the trunk. To run it:

  • Get into a plank position. The body parallel to the ground lying on the forearms and the tip of the feet.
  • Rotate the trunk until resting on one of the arms and being in tension on the side.
  • Go back to the starting position.
  • Move to the opposite side.

2. Iron

It is an exercise that works in an isometric way all the muscles of your body, but especially the part of the abdomen and lumbar. You will not need any type of material so you can do it anywhere. To run it:

  • Stand with your elbows on the floor and your legs straight.
  • Contract and activate the abdominal muscles, keeping the spine in its neutral position.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds.

Entrenamiento de circuito para quemar grasas

3. Self-loading lunges

Strengthen the back of your leg with this exercise.

  • Stand with your legs hip-width apart. Extend your leg forward with the gesture of walking.
  • Bend your knees and repeat with the opposite leg.

4. Skater

It is a low-impact exercise for your knees that will help you burn fat and strengthen the muscles of the lower body of the body. To do it:

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width.
  • Keeping your feet steady, shift your trunk to one side and the other while flexing your opposite leg to the side you lean on.
  • In the same movement, push one arm forward and the other back.
  • Change the movement from one side to the other and alternate the position of the arms, bringing one forward and the other back alternately.

5. Burpees

This is the star exercise in the fat burning circuits. It is a metabolic exercise that gives strength to the upper body and produces effects in improving endurance.

  • Standing with your arms extended upward, perform a vertical jump.
  • Bring your hands to the ground and stretch your legs back.
  • Do a push-up and gather your legs to bring them close to your chest.
  • Get up and start over.

All phases must be carried out consecutively.

4 tips for doing the fat burning circuit

  • It begins by doing a warm-up of about five minutes to activate the muscles that we are going to work later.
  • In each exercise try to get the maximum number of repetitions possible. Perform 4 rounds resting for about 30 seconds between exercises and one minute between rounds.
  • We recommend that you write down the repetitions that you usually do and try to overcome it each time you do the training, since your goal should always be to exceed the repetitions of the previous day.
  • Finish by doing a cool down for about five minutes, in which you can include light cardio or stretching.


It has been shown thanks to scientific evidence that a 15-20 minute workout is enough to keep us fit . In this sense, high intensity self-loading training will help you burn calories and avoid long periods of time in the gym that few people can afford.


  • Rooke, Kristin. 15-Minute Bodyweight Circuit Workout To Burn Fat. For Builtlean.com. ⌈Revised February 2017⌋.