5 compulsory exercises to ride a mountain bike

There are few things that are more exciting than riding a mountain bike , over difficult and challenging terrain surrounded by beautiful scenery. Coach Josh Moberg is part of an excellent group of trainers in a renowned gym in San Francisco and shares with us the 5 best exercises for those cyclists who, regardless of their fitness level, want to do long routes on their mountain bike.

If you are part of this group, we bring you these specific exercises that will help you master the most extreme terrain that you want to master.

The 5 best exercises to ride a mountain bike

1. Dumbbell squats

Josh says: “We do a lot of squats while riding the bike, especially when going downhill. It’s super important to keep your back straight on the descent and even more so when the bike tends to jump. “

  • Beginning cyclists : Stand with your shoulders back, push your chest out, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a weight in each hand. Inhale before bending your knees down into a squat position. Keep your eyes looking forward and your hips back. Exhale and squeezing your glutes return to the starting position.
  • Advanced cyclists : Perform this exercise using a BOSU ball (Flat side up)

sentadillas para mountain bike

2. Bent over barbell row

Josh says, “This is a great exercise for core, legs, posture, and upper body strength. This is because we often lean over the bike and this requires a strong core and legs. In this way we can maintain this position for longer. The pulling action in this exercise is really useful when you have to hold on to the handlebars of the bike hard to overcome obstacles, whatever the terrain. “

  • Beginning Cyclists: Lean forward slightly, bend your knees, keep your back flat, and hold the bar with your arms straight. Raise the bar to your chest using your back and scapular retraction and then bring the bar back. Maintain good spinal posture by using your abdominals to stabilize and support the position.
  • Advanced Cyclists: Perform this exercise using a BOSU ball (Flat side up) or a stability ball.

remo con barra para ciclistas

3. One hand bench press with kettlebell

Josh says, “This exercise really challenges the core and upper body strength. Pushing the bike in the curves is a technique that should be practiced and I think this exercise can help with that as balance is the key in it. In addition, it is for the wrists because of the work and strength that it requires to maintain and balance the kettlebell in the hand ”.

  • Beginning Cyclists: Before attempting this exercise on a stability ball with weights, try it out on a flat bench with dumbbells.
  • Advanced cyclists: Get into a supine position, lying on your back, on a stability ball with a 90 degree knee bend. Place a weight in each hand. Make sure to stabilize and keep your core and glutes tight. With one arm, lift the kettlebell to flex at the elbow and slowly bring the kettlebell down until your arm is parallel to the ground.

ejercicios de pesas para mountain bike

4. Stability ball barbell push-ups

Josh says, “Grip, core, chest, and triceps strength are very important when riding the bike over rough terrain or participating in longer endurance events.”

  • Beginning cyclists: Before using the bar, try this exercise by placing a stability ball against a wall. Place your hands on the ball and push down as you would when performing a push-up.
  • Advanced cyclists: Lie on your stomach with both hands holding the bar. Stabilize your core and lower your chest towards the ball and then lift your weight by pushing through the bar.

ejercicios de fuerza para mountain bike

5. Hitting tennis ball on wall with knees on stability ball

Josh says: “Kneeling on a stability ball will activate your glutes, core, hamstrings, and adductors. These are very important areas of the body, especially when you encounter obstacles and you need to react quickly . “

  • Beginning Cyclists: Kneel on a BOSU ball first. Try to balance yourself with good upright posture before adding the tennis ball toss.
  • Kneel upright with good posture on a stability ball in front of a wall. Then slowly begin to toss the two tennis balls against the wall while balancing on the stability ball.

Ejercicios de equilibrio para mountain bike


  • Josh Mobert. 5 Must-Do Exercises for Mountain Bikers. To: activate [Revised January 2016]