10 gym rules that people often break

Gyms do not always deliver a manual that contains the rules of conduct or use of the same, so they assume that you are someone decent and that you will leave everything clean and tidy after finishing your training … or not?

The problem is that common sense is not always what prevails precisely in gyms, so according to experts and personal trainers, this is the most common mistake among users.

Find out which are the rules of coexistence within a gym that are broken the most.

10 rules to follow in the gym

1. If you are sick, stay home

Coughing and sneezing during a training session is enough to spread a quantity of bacteria on machines and dumbbells, capable of infecting a large part of gym users.

It is okay to exercise with a nasal discomfort or a slight sore throat; however, you should be fair with your gym partners and, if you want to train, better do it at home.

If still your best option is to exercise in the gym, it is recommended that you clean all the equipment you use, in this way you will minimize the risks of infecting others.

Normas de convivencia en el gimnasio

2. Don’t stay long on the same machine

During peak hours each day, gyms typically limit the use of cardio machines for a period of time so that all users can access them. Continuing to use the treadmill after 30 minutes while someone waits behind you is simply unfair.

You have to be smart: if you want to get the most out of your cardio machine, increase its intensity so that in 30 minutes you meet your goals.

¿Cuánto tiempo se debe hacer cardio en el gimnasio?

3. Dress appropriately

Being fashionable and going to the gym appropriately are two totally different concepts. There are limits when it comes to choosing the clothes you will wear to train, as a good choice helps to maximize the range of your movements and avoid any unwanted attention.

Avoid extremely tight clothing that prevents free movement of each of your limbs; The same is true of very baggy clothing, which can get stuck in gym machines. Wearing the right clothes allows you to do it all!

¿Qué ropa debemos llevar al gimnasio?

4. Avoid wearing perfume

When your scent enters the training room before you do, it’s really bad. It is advisable to leave the aromas and smells for other places, except the use of deodorant according to physiologist Jessica Matthews. It is proven that strong fragrances can distract other people during training, and even cause them to trigger allergic reactions.

A strong body odor can also be very unpleasant, so showering before and after you start to sweat is recommended . Likewise, the proper use of deodorant is vital.

On the other hand, it is recommended not to use greasy lotions before training, because when you start to sweat it is most likely that your skin becomes slippery and can make it difficult to properly grip dumbbells, machines and kettlebells.

Cómo asearse al ir al gimnasio

5. Do not use the water dispensers to fill a 2 liter bottle

Staying hydrated during training is vital, especially on hot days when the body tends to sweat more. Still, standing up and refilling your giant bottle can lead to an annoying long line of people. In these cases, it is advisable to stand aside and give way while respecting the rights of others. On the other hand, it is better not to make contact between the mouth of the bottle and the water source, as this will prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.

6. Store your training bag in the lockers

One of the most uncomfortable moments when training is walking and tripping over training bags that people leave adrift on the road, which is why all gyms (at least most) prohibit it, and have spaces for save them.

If you are afraid that your bag may be searched, it is best to keep it in the vehicle. To go to the gym you will not need so many valuables, it is enough to carry an ID card, keys, a debit card and a cell phone with you.

Normas de conducta que suelen romperse en un gimnasio

7. Don’t rest on machines

For the good use of your time and that of others, it is preferable that you do not rest excessively between series. If you are doing intense intervals that lead to a recovery time of two minutes or more, it is best to give the space during that time to other people who also want to use it. Additionally, short rest periods between sets are directly associated with a higher heart rate, increased calorie burn, high metabolic rate, and a significant boost to muscle anabolism.

8. Lower the weights of the bars

A good athlete is one who, after using the bars, removes the discs that he used, thus avoiding inconvenience to other users.

Imagine that you are one of those who has a lot of strength and you can with 80-kilo discs, but after you comes a young man with less strength who seeks to increase muscle mass. Will he be able to carry that weight? Of course not, so it is necessary to raise awareness and leave everything in its place. On the other hand, leaving the bars without discs is an indication that they are not in use, so it will prevent athletes from limiting themselves to using them.

Normas a seguir dentro de un gimnasio

9. Clean the bench and use a towel

Most gyms have the mandatory use of a towel or an antivirus cloth as a rule , but there are possibly users who are unaware of it. It is very uncomfortable to feel the sweat of another person when doing a specific exercise, and although the risk is low, they may be infected with some disease.

Cleaning with antiseptic towels before and after the use of any machine or bench is very important . It is also recommended to shower after each workout and wash your hands with antiseptic soap.

Limpiar máquinas del gimnasio para evitar contagio de gérmenes

10. Do not obstruct traffic

It is usual (especially in small gyms) that people usually use some corridors to carry out their activities. However, this habit is not entirely correct, because it slows down the training of others and creates obstacles and distractions for other users. It is preferable to use large spaces for greater freedom of movement and to avoid hindering people’s work, such as rooms designed specifically for more functional exercises.


  • Linda Melone, 16 Gym Etiquette Rules That People Often Break. For Livestrong [Revised August 2016]