Which variant of deadlift to execute based on your body type

Are you one of those who has stopped performing the deadlift for fear of injury? Many discard this exercise because each time they perform it they feel that their muscles suffer and they cannot adapt their body to this lift.

The deadlift can be adapted to the body characteristics of each one . There are variants that adapt better to one anatomy than others, so taking into account the characteristics of your body, you can choose the variant of the deadlift that best suits you.

Cómo realizar un peso muerto correcto

Are all deadlifts the same?

The deadlift is one of the oldest weight exercises on record, but not all deadlifts are created equal. There are some variations that will make you work more one muscle than another. In addition, searching among the different variants, you will be able to find the way that best suits you.

If you look at the users who perform this lift in the weight room, you can see that each one does it in a different way. Does this mean that they are doing it wrong? The answer is no, each person adapts the technique to their own benefit. For example, you can vary the width of grasping the bar, the way you place your hands or even the way you position your legs.

Not all bodies are the same, therefore, the technique of this exercise does not have to be equally efficient for everyone.

Variante de peso muerto en función de morfología corporal

Conventional deadlift vs. sumo deadlift

Although it is true that within the two variants that we are going to describe many others could be found, we are going to focus on the two main ways of performing the deadlift : the conventional deadlift and the sumo deadlift.

In both, you must lift the bar off the ground using a hip hinge movement and stimulating the hip extensors (gluteal muscles), but varying some aspects.

¿Cuál es la mejor variante de peso muerto?

1. Conventional deadlift

It is the classic exercise that everyone knows by the name of the deadlift. It is one of the most complex in weight rooms, since it must be done with good body posture and keeping the spine in a neutral position without suffering any kind of curvature.

It is an exercise that will give you strength in all the muscles of your body, which is why it is considered a basic in strength training.

To perform the conventional deadlift correctly :

  1. Stand in front of a bar. It should be above the insteps of the feet.
  2. Bend your knees and grip the bar slightly wider than your hips, keeping your spine neutral and well aligned.
  3. Pull the bar upwards taking advantage of the power generated by the glutes.
  4. Finish with an upright position and the barbell at the waist.
  5. Go back to the starting point.

Adaptar el peso muerto a tu cuerpo

2. Sumo deadlift

It is a safer variation of the classic deadlift , due to the required body position, avoiding arching of the spine.

This variant is a good option for those initiated in this exercise, since the necessary technique required is less than the conventional exercise. In addition, it has been shown that, for those advanced in weight lifting, it is very useful to increase the load, since a greater weight can be mobilized, minimizing the risk of injury.

By changing the performance, the muscular focus being worked is changed, since the posterior leg muscles will be much more involved.

To properly execute the sumo deadlift :

  1. Spread your legs wider than shoulder width apart.
  2. Slightly open the tips of your feet, to form a V with them.
  3. Squat down and take the bar at a more or less equal to that of your trunk.
  4. With your arms outstretched, hold the bar and push with your legs to lift the weight.
  5. Stretch your legs and tighten your core muscles until you bring the bar to your waist.
  6. Lower the bar to the starting point of the exercise.

Cómo ejecutar el peso muerto estilo sumo

What variant of the deadlift to execute?

If you are one of those who still have doubts about opting for one or another type of lift, we list some aspects that you should take into account when deciding on one of the two variants.

When to perform the conventional deadlift?

  • Your femurs are short and your arms are long.
  • Your hip is in a neutral position.
  • The internal rotation of your hip is good.
  • You have a good hip flexion movement.

When to perform the sumo deadlift?

  • You have long femurs and your arms are short.
  • Your hip is held in retroversion.
  • You have limited external hip rotation.
  • It is difficult for you to perform a correct hip flexion.

Qué variante del peso muerto escoger según morfología corporal


The deadlift is one of the exercises that should be essential in your training routine, since it is a very interesting lift when it comes to gaining both muscle mass and strength.

If, after reading the above instructions, you still have doubts about what type of deadlift suits your body morphology, ask your gym instructor for advice.


  • Gedge, M. Which Deadlift Is Right For Your Body Type? For Breaking Muscle. (Revised May 2018).