The United States will force tests for Covid-19 to all travelers

Do you have a trip to the United States? As of January 26, the government of that country asks, in a mandatory way (and with a negative result), tests of Covid-19 to all travelers . Not only tourists but also American nationals and all those who have legal permanent residence in the country are included. We tell you the details of this new measure.

Covid-19 testing of all travelers, mandatory measure

The State Department and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have imposed a new measure on all travelers who intend to enter the country. As of January 26, anyone who has a destination in the United States and who enters the country by air, must present a Covid-19 test with a negative result.

The American government thus requests tests of Covid-19 from all international travelers . Without exceptions, all those who come from other countries and want to enter American territory must present a negative Covid-19 test or a medical proof of Covid-19 recovery before boarding. This measure does not only include foreign citizens, but also Americans, from 2 years of age; nationals of that country, but also those who have a permanent residence permit.

Las pruebas de Covid-19 a todos los viajeros deben ir acompañadas de certificado médico

The test must be done no more than 3 days before traveling by plane to the United States. The negative result will be shown to the airline staff before boarding the flight. In the case of having recovered from Covid-19, you will need to show a recent positive viral test, as well as a letter from the doctor or public health official authorizing the person to travel. But not only this, even when the result is negative, it is essential to present a certification; this to check that the result is true.

US Government Recommendations

The authorities advise US citizens not to travel abroad, unless it is essential. They also invite anyone who wants to travel to take into account a series of recommendations. To begin with, the difficulty of accessing a test in a country other than the United States. This is due to the high demand for tests that are practiced around the world and the response times that vary between countries. The North American authorities recommend getting a plan to ensure that the results are obtained on time and invite citizens to search for information on the website of the US Embassy.

What happens if you get infected abroad? A very frequently asked question, considering the difficult access to healthcare today. Well, the US government invites you to ask yourself how to finance a Covid-19 treatment while abroad, before you decide to go on a trip. From Lugarnia, we recommend that you not travel to the US unless it is due to force majeure. We must remember that in that country public health is almost non-existent and everything works through private health insurance. Thus, a hospital bill to treat Covid-19 can range from $ 35,000 to figures of 1.1 million; It all depends, of course, on how long you’ve been in a hospital, if you need it. If you still want to travel to this country, we invite you to look for good health insurance.

After traveling

The US Department of State and CDC also require testing within 3-5 days of travel. Another test after landing in North American territory. A mandatory 7-day quarantine must be added to this test, even if the results are negative.

If the test is not taken after entering the US, then travelers must isolate themselves for 10 days. They also advise avoiding being around elderly or risky people for 14 days after the trip.