Routine to train your whole body with two dumbbells

Training your whole body with two dumbbells is very simple with this routine that we recommend in our article today. You can include it up to 3 times a week in your exercise session and you will see amazing results (if you are looking to build muscle, or try to increase it). The best? That you don’t need anything beyond a proper pair of dumbbells and your desire to work.

Benefits of training your whole body with two dumbbells

Dumbbells are essential accessories for any exercise routine that seeks to tone and gain muscle. The benefits are incalculable. In addition to the obvious one, which is to increase muscle, large muscle groups are also exercised; and, in addition to these, also the stabilizing muscles. This does not happen, for example, if you exercise on a gym apparatus, where the work of the muscle is localized and isolated; that is, you only work a specific muscle group. With the dumbbells, you put all the muscles in your body into operation. The great advantage of this is that a single part is prevented from developing; With dumbbells, the body develops as a whole, as a whole.

How to do dumbbell exercises?

The secret to dumbbells is very simple: perform easy movements to be able to execute the exercises with precision. With this you will not only see the results you are looking for, but you will avoid injuring yourself. What are we talking about when we talk about making easy moves? Focus your effort on raising, lowering, balancing or whatever you are doing with the dumbbell and look for simple routines that don’t involve much more than interacting with the dumbbells. In addition, it adopts an ideal posture to avoid injuries and work in optimal conditions.

And do not cheat: do not try to move other parts of your body that make the exercise easier or the effort made will be of no use. If you are looking to strengthen those muscles and develop them, then follow our dumbbell training routine that you can practice 3 times a week.

Routine to train your whole body with two dumbbells

Dumbbell Squats

We recommend starting your dumbbell exercise session with this simple exercise that can serve as a warm-up, as the neck and shoulder muscles are involved. The starting position is standing, with the legs slightly apart and the dumbbells resting in the hands on both sides of the body. Inhale and shrug or raise your shoulders, which will lift the weight without the movement or direct action of your arms. Lower your shoulders as you release the breath.

Dumbbell pectoral flies

This exercise will allow you to work your pectoral muscles. With it you will be able to develop the thorax to have a wider chest, since the localized work is carried out in the major pectorals. Lie on your back on a bench, preferably narrow. Hold the dumbbells in both hands in a neutral position (palms facing each other); leave the arms slightly bent and in a vertical position with respect to the body at chest level. Breathe and spread your arms up to shoulder height, so that your elbows drop a little from them. Upon expiration, return your arms to the starting point.

We recommend that you avoid fully extending your arms when doing this exercise, as you overload your elbows and also do not work your pectorals properly; In addition, we suggest that, when opening, do not lower your arms too much as your back arches. Last but not least, avoid carrying a lot of weight (direct cause of the two previous circumstances).

Dumbbell Lateral Raises

This is a fairly easy exercise at a glance, but you will have to be very precise to perform it correctly. Thanks to the lateral dumbbell raises you will be able to work the middle deltoid (shoulder muscle), which is what, in combination with other muscles, joints and bones, allows you to load things. How to run it? Stand with your legs slightly apart, your arms parallel to your body, holding a dumbbell in each hand in a neutral position, and raise your arms horizontally and with your elbows slightly bent. Lower your arms and return to the starting position.

The back must remain straight at all times: avoid arching it and throwing it forward. It is also important that you do not swing to either side, but that you stay firm on the ground, as if you were nailed to it. Our last recommendation is that you keep your face looking straight ahead.

Front Dumbbell Raises

In addition to other minor muscles, this full-body dual dumbbell exercise involves the anterior deltoid and the pectoralis major. In keeping with the previous exercise, this exercise is done standing up with the legs slightly bent and apart. Hold the dumbbells in a prone position and resting on your thighs. Take a breath and raise one arm in front to chin level. Release the air and lower your arm slowly.

What you should avoid, if you want to do the exercises correctly, is not flexing or straightening your arms completely; In addition, you must perform the elevations at a suitable height, do not raise it more even if you know that you could do it without problem! And the most important thing is that you do not move your body. This exercise invites you to swing your pelvis to get the dumbbell up without difficulty.

Dumbbell deadlift

The deadlift is one of the most popular exercises among fitness enthusiasts. In our routine to train your whole body with two dumbbells , we present you one of the variants of the king of lifts. To do it, you must use two dumbbells of the same weight and place them on both sides of the feet.

You must bend over, with your back straight as much as possible, and hold the dumbbells. When lifting the dumbbells, you should keep your head, eyes, and chest forward at all times. A secret of this exercise? That you don’t actually lift the dumbbells with your arms, but with your thighs, specifically with your quads.

Once you have taken the dumbbells off the ground, you should bring them to the sides of your body for a couple of seconds and deposit them again, slowly. and following the same ritual to lift them (straight back, look straight ahead, etc;) on the ground.

Dumbbell row in push-up position

The push-up dumbbell row is an exercise that requires advanced technique, mastery, and endurance. We do not recommend it for beginners, but for those “experts” who have been training for a while because not everyone is able to hold the push-up position for too long and, if we add the weight of some dumbbells to that, it can represent a real challenge. With these exercises you will work the pectorals, shoulders, lats, upper trapezius and neck.

It starts with choosing the right size of the dumbbells, to avoid injuries and to do the exercise correctly. Lie face down with your hands resting on each of the dumbbells, previously separated according to the width of the shoulders. With your feet, assume the position as if you were doing a push-up to support the weight. Contract your abdomen and keep your back straight. Exhale and contract your shoulder blade as you lift the dumbbell to the side of your chest. Inhale and return to the starting position.

Front Dumbbell Lunges

The lunges are ideal to work the gluteal and leg muscles and, if we add weight to them, then we will enhance the work done. They are very easy to do. Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand and bringing your shoulders back and relaxed; chest open or out. Take a lunge or step forward and lower yourself until the knee of the foot behind you touch or brush the ground at a 90-degree angle. The descent is vertical, so you must keep your back straight. Contract your quadriceps and return to the starting position.