Lunges: how to do this complete leg exercise right

The lunges are one of the most popular and most typical exercises in a sports routine. However, and as simple as it may seem, not everyone is capable of doing them correctly. We explain, step by step, how to do your strides well so that you can enjoy all its benefits.

What are strides?

Before getting into the subject, let’s remind you what strides are . To make a simple stride you must stand up, advance one of the legs and support the foot of it fully on the ground. You will have to descend and bend the knee of the leg that you have advanced , in such a way that the back leg is extended, and then you have to return to the starting position and do the same movement with the opposite leg. This is the basic and traditional stride. Then there are variants with weight or some arm movement, but this movement that we have explained is the basic and essential to perform this exercise.

Lunges are perfect for working glutes, quads, and hamstrings , among other muscle groups.

Stride correctly step by step

In case you have doubts about how to make a stride, we advise you to follow our instructions step by step.

First stand up, with your hands akimbo resting on your waist. Spread your legs slightly and focus on your breathing. Then, with your torso completely straight and perpendicular to the ground, take a step forward . Avoid rocking: it should be a firm and sure step, neither too wide nor too short.

Subsequently, bend the knee of the leg that you have advanced 90 degrees . Keep in mind that the sole of the foot of the leg you have advanced must be fully in contact with the ground. Meanwhile, the leg that has been left behind will be extended by flexing the knee of the leading leg. It should never touch the ground : its only support, in the end, will be the tip of the foot.

Return to the starting position when you have completed the movement and repeat it by changing sides. In this way you will work both sides of your body.

Errores en las zancadas

The most common mistakes when striding

During the performance of this exercise, a series of errors are usually made: we will tell you which are the most common so that you pay attention to them and you can improve in the exercise.

One of the most common mistakes is leaning the torso forward . The torso must always be straight and the spine must not arch during a stride. It is very important to keep this in mind because it is a way to avoid injury or discomfort after exercising.

It is also very common to bend the knee more than 90 degrees . If you make this mistake, you will not be making the stride correctly. To see if you are bending it more or less, pay attention to the tip of the knee, which should not be in front of your foot at the end of the movement. It is also important that you do not touch the ground with your knee because it would be indicating that you do not have the correct position.


The lunges are a simple and very basic exercise present in any type of sports routine. If you follow our step-by-step instructions and take into account the most common mistakes, you will soon have the technique mastered and you will be able to perform them practically mechanically, without thinking.

To add difficulty to the exercise you can use a little weight . You can simply hold this weight, bring it to your chest as you descend or raise it above your head if you want to also work your arms.