Low-impact HIIT routine for the knees

High intensity or interval training is a great choice to keep fit when time is short. This type of training helps us to produce a higher caloric intake in a shorter time than conventional workouts, so it is a great ally if we want to lose weight.

However, how many of you do not dare to do high intensity workouts for fear of knee injuries ?

Discover a low-impact HIIT routine for the knees that will allow you to burn fat and maintain your muscle mass.

Rutina HIIt de bajo impacto para las rodillas

HIIT routine under impact

  • Begin by doing joint mobility for a couple of minutes. Focusing mainly on the knee and ankle joints.
  • Warm up for four to five minutes. A walk without displacement, like the one we propose as the first exercise, is the ideal. Exercises 2 and 3 are also very effective for warming up.
  • Perform each exercise for thirty seconds, trying to do as many repetitions as possible.
  • Rest ten seconds between exercises and one minute during circuits.
  • Progressively add more time to each exercise until you can complete a minute followed by each exercise for 3 rounds.
  • At the end, calm down for about five minutes. A good option could be to walk in a relaxed way and conclude the training with stretches.

1. Running without offset

For this exercise you must perform the movement of walking without moving and raise your knees in a controlled manner, simulating the movement of walking. By not moving we will be reducing the impact on your knees.

If you want to add more intensity, you just have to hold two dumbbells, one in each hand.

2. Knee lifts

It is an exercise similar to the previous one, only this time you will have to add a greater height to the knee. To run it:

  • Keep your abdomen contracted to avoid causing damage to your back.
  • Alternately raise one knee as high as you can.

Ejercicios de alta intensidad y bajo impacto

3. Heel strike

  • Stand with your legs hip-width apart.
  • Extend one leg forward to touch the ground with your heel.
  • Raise your arms at the same time to the front.
  • Return to the starting position and perform the same movement by changing legs.

golpes de talón

4. Side steps with side elevation

  • Stand with your legs hip-width apart and slightly bent.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Take a side step while raising your arms.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat.

5. Knee Raises with Arm Pulls

This is a multifunctional exercise that works all the muscles of our body.

  • Start with your legs straight and hip width apart.
  • The arms should hold some dumbbells, being stretched over the head.
  • Lower your arms by flexing your elbows as you raise one knee.
  • Stretch your arms up again as you lower your knee.
  • Perform the same movement with alternating leg.

6. Static leg raises

  • Standing with your arms stretched down, your legs stretched out, and your feet together, slap above your head. At the same time, stretch one leg to the side.
  • Lower your arms again and bring your leg back to the starting position.
  • Perform the same movement alternating legs.

Elevaciones de pierna estáticas

7. Arm Raises Heel Strikes

  • You should be standing, with your knees semi-bent and your feet together. The torso must be leaning forward and the arms slightly bent at the sides.
  • Raise your arms as you stretch one leg to touch your heel to the ground.
  • Close your arms and return to the starting position.
  • Alternately use one leg and the other.

Ejercicios HIIT de bajo impacto

8. Knee repeaters

It is a great exercise to work both the lower body muscles and the core. To do it correctly:

  • Stand on your side, with your arms stretched over your head and with one leg stretched out while the other is resting on the floor.
  • In a coordinated movement, bring your arms to the height of your abdomen while you perform the same movement with your knee, trying to bring it together with the palms of your hands.

9. Inchworm with bending

  • Standing in front of a mat, flex your trunk vertebra to vertebra, controlling the movement so as not to hurt your spine until you touch the floor with the palms of your fingers.
  • Bend your knees as you move your palms into a push-up position and do a push-up.
  • Begin to roll back to the upright position you started with.

10. Skating statically

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width.
  • Keeping your feet steady, shift your trunk to one side and the other while flexing your opposite leg to the side you lean on.
  • In the same movement, push one arm forward and the other back.
  • Change the movement from one side to the other and alternate the position of the arms, bringing one forward and the other back alternately.

rutina HIIT sin impacto


Interval training has been scientifically proven to be ideal for speeding up metabolism, but if you are one of those who are afraid of the possible injuries that they can cause, or simply cannot do them due to joint problems, you can perform this training without damaging your knees.


  • Jey Davis, Lisa. A 35-minute HIIT workout that won’t hurt your knees. For livestrong. ⌈Revised October 2016⌋.