How can I substitute the egg in recipes?

Eggs have been used for decades in dozens of recipes, both sweet and savory, but not everyone wants eggs in their meals, whether due to allergies, special diet, medical advice, etc. That is why today we bring you alternatives to the egg to continue cooking as if nothing had changed. Throughout the text we will see several alternatives and although we do not believe it, the final result will be the same as with the egg.

Eggs have been in the spotlight for years, from being considered a bad food to being considered very beneficial. In the end, science came to a standstill and said that we can eat a maximum of 2 eggs a day, as long as our health is in good condition, we have good lifestyle habits and our doctor does not tell us otherwise. In addition, you have to cook them in a healthy way, that is, fried eggs do not enter, only steamed or hard-boiled eggs,

Egg vs Alternatives

When we talk about egg substitutes, a multitude of ideas may come to mind. In the next section we will see if we have succeeded with any or not, but now we are going to focus on the general characteristics of the egg and its possible alternatives. In other words, we are going to explain what is good about the egg and what we lose if we do not consume it. We will also say what other alternatives are also nutritionally suitable.

The egg has almost 20 essential nutrients, it is a very necessary food for the body and it is that 2 eggs (about 100 grams) give us:

  • Between 12 and 14 grams of protein.
  • About 9 grams of fat in its yolk with 65% unsaturated fat.
  • About 140 kilocalories per medium egg.
  • Less than 1 grams of sugar.
  • Vitamin A about 220 mg per 100 grams.
  • Vitamin B2 less than 0.30 mg.
  • Vitamin B3 almost 4 mg.
  • Vitamin B7 about 250 mg.
  • Vitamin B9 almost 55 mg.
  • Vitamin B12 almost 2.2 mg.
  • Vitamin D approximately 2 mg.
  • Vitamin E about 2 mg.
  • Iron slightly more than 2 mg.
  • Phosphorus almost 220 mg.
  • Selenium 10mg.
  • Zinc 2mg.

Alternativas a los huevos en las recetas

However, the rest of the alternatives will provide us with some of those vitamins and minerals, especially if they are fruits or whole grains such as flour, but they will not provide us as much nutritionally. Even so, they are good alternatives, since we get vitamin A, group B, C, D , calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, among other minerals. There is also the option of using seeds, which are rich in minerals, essential oils and vitamins, or vegetable oils such as avocado and nut butters.

In the next section we will give the equivalences between the alternatives and the number of eggs, what we must clarify now is that these substitutes can change the final flavor. Apart from the fact that many alternatives need prior preparation, so the recipe could take a little longer.

The good thing about eggs is that they enhance the flavor and improve the appearance, since it helps the dough to brown in the heat of the oven. Also, the humidity of the eggs favors the integration of all the ingredients, helping them to stick together, improving the final consistency.

Egg Alternatives

Let’s go straight to the core of the topic to describe each egg substitute. We will say quantities and for which recipes each alternative is better. Remember that the result will be the same, only that the flavor may vary, since using 3 eggs is not the same as using dried fruit cream or applesauce. To paint puff pastry, it is best to use extra virgin olive oil or melted vegetable margarine.

Banana or apple puree

To substitute eggs, we can use banana or apple puree. In the case of the banana, it is very easy, since we only need a very ripe banana and mash it with a fork. However, to make applesauce, we have to soften them in the oven or steam them and then mash them.

In both cases, each 65 grams of these fruits is equivalent to 1 medium egg . If we use bananas, we must know that this flavor will interfere with the result. If we use apple, we have to choose a sweet variety and we can season it with cinnamon or nutmeg. In case of buying the puree already prepared, it will surely come with added sugar, so we must subtract sugar from our recipe.

Another option is to use pumpkin or avocado, which will give us the same result without interfering as much with the flavor as with the banana, but it depends on the recipe. All of these alternatives are used in biscuits, cookies, pancakes, and other sweet desserts.

water and flour

We can mix water and flour, and it is used to replace the egg in the breaded and battered. The ratio is simple, 1 part water + 1 part flour is equal to a standard size egg. Based on that, we calculate the parts of each ingredient to complete the egg needs, since several eggs are used in batter.

Flours of all kinds can be used, from wheat, rice, corn, integral without gluten, etc. We can adapt it to our needs, and thus we get rid of using eggs. The empanadas will look a little more brittle, so we recommend being very careful and not leaving the mixture too liquid.

Flax and chia seeds

Crush water with flaxseeds or chia seeds, or both, in a blender to enhance the nutritional value and consistency similar to eggs. To achieve the replacement, we need about 45 grams of water + 7 grams of seeds to replace a standard egg.

First we have to leave the mixture for about 15 minutes to soak and then beat. We will obtain a dense and sticky mixture with a slight nutty touch, making it the perfect substitute for desserts and breakfasts such as cookies, muffins, pancakes, waffles, and even breads.

3 cucharas con semillas de lino

Natural or vegetable yogurt

One of the most widespread alternatives is that the yogurt is dense, especially if it is Greek or creamy vegetable yogurt. It is better to use natural and sugar-free yogurts, since the recipe will surely have sugar and if we add some extra flavor on top, we can ruin the final result.

To achieve the perfect replacement, we need about 60 grams of yogurt , either normal, creamy vegetable or natural Greek. That is equivalent to a standard medium egg. It is a perfect substitute for desserts and breakfasts, such as muffins, breads, waffles, pancakes, etc.

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are always used in recipes, but now we know that they can serve as an alternative to using eggs. But we refer to vegetable oils such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil or avocado oil. There are all kinds of oils on the market, even nuts, which could also be used for this occasion, but be careful with the flavors and the final result of the dish.

A quarter cup of oil corresponds to 1 normal egg. This resource is only recommended in those recipes where a single egg or 2 at most is used, since if we have to add more oil, the result will be horrible and greasy.

Nut butter

This solution is one of our favorites, especially if we are going to prepare pastry recipes or sweet breads. Nuts are loaded with important nutrients such as vitamin A, group B, D, E, K, important minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, sodium, etc. It has nothing to envy to eggs and on top of that they add flavor and crunchy texture.

For every 60 grams of nut butter , we remove 1 egg. We can use ready-made creams, such as peanut, almond, pistachio, cashew, etc. creams. But let them be pure creams without sugar, or anything added. This resource is absolutely perfect for cupcakes, sweet breads, cookies, brownies, etc.


The king of vegan and vegetarian diets, and with this element we can say goodbye to the use of eggs in our recipes. The good thing about using tofu as an egg substitute is that it thickens the dough, but the negative is that it doesn’t give it sponginess.

It is a perfect option to replace eggs in recipes such as custard, where many eggs are needed for preparation. To achieve the impersonation, we must add 30 grams of pureed tofu without spices for each egg that we want to eliminate.

Chickpea water

It is one of the best options, and it is that the water that the jars of cooked chickpeas bring is quite useful. For example, we can use it to replace egg whites and we can even prepare vegan meringue . The proportions are 3/4 cup of chickpea water for each egg that we need.

You have to be very careful, because if we go too far with the measurements, the mixture will be very sharp and we will not get the final result we need. As we can see, it is perfect for replacing egg whites in recipes such as mousse, biscuits, puffed tortillas, macarons, etc.