Fast and effective diet and exercise routine to lose weight

Do you want to lose weight fast and effectively? To lose weight quickly and effectively, the main secret is to make some lifestyle changes , such as eating a healthy diet and increasing physical activity. But this change includes a conscious and responsible diet and exercise routine, otherwise the results will not be as expected. It is also very important to keep in mind that weight loss requires the accompaniment of a nutritionist-dietician, so that this specialist can develop a program that includes personalized diets with exercise, and is adapted to the needs of each person, taking into account their anthropometric measurements and their lifestyle.

Another thing you should know is that a diet and exercise routine that helps you lose weight quickly and effectively is not synonymous with accelerated weight loss, but rather means being in good shape, reaching an ideal weight and enjoying good health in a reasonable time.

In general, following a healthy diet to lose weight effectively includes foods that are low in calories and as natural as possible. It is important to reduce the consumption of trans and saturated fats, and avoid the intake of sugars, fast foods and precooked foods or industrialized products. Foods that help speed up metabolism should be included in the weekly menu. Likewise, the exercise routine involves performing cardiovascular exercises that allow the burning of accumulated fat, having clear goals to achieve and maintaining a healthy life.

What should be the routine to lose weight quickly and effectively?

A sedentary lifestyle and eating an inadequate diet are two of the main causes of weight gain above the appropriate values. In this sense, two aspects are key to losing weight in an effective and healthy way: having a healthy diet and staying in constant physical activity.

Eating routine and eating a healthy diet

Losing weight includes changing inappropriate eating habits for healthy routines that include good ways of eating. And, although the recommendation is that weight loss diets should be personalized and guided by specialists, we will give you some tips (in general) to have an efficient and effective weight loss routine:

  • Increase water consumption. Drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day is extremely important because, in addition to keeping the body hydrated, it helps eliminate toxins, improves our digestion and allows us to stay satiated. The consumption of pasteurized juices, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages should be avoided. Adding lemon slices to a pitcher of water and drinking it throughout the day is a good way to help lose weight and reap the benefits of the fruit.
  • Take diuretic drinks that help reduce fluid retention. Drinking green tea daily, for example, speeds up metabolism and helps reduce swelling in the body caused by fluid retention.
  • Eat several times a day in small quantities. You can make 5 to 6 meals a day (including main meals). The two or three meals can be made every 3 hours between each main meal. The evening snack is optional. The important thing is not to eat in large quantities and always maintain an energy balance in each intake.
  • Increase the consumption of foods rich in fiber. Including whole grains, shelled fruits and raw vegetables in your diet is a good way to have natural nutrients, vitamins, minerals and a lot of fiber. Fiber helps maintain the body’s satiety and allows good digestibility of food.
  • Avoid fast food and ultra-processed foods. Likewise, the consumption of fried foods should be avoided and preference should be given to grilled or steamed cooking , and always choose natural foods prepared at home.

In short, eating mindfully, calmly, chewing slowly and using small plates that include foods from the different food groups, will promote weight loss effectively.

Work out

To improve your weight and your body health, it is very important to combine a diet to lose weight, which is hormonally balanced, with aerobic exercises and muscle toning. So that:

  • Before starting, it is convenient to do a physical evaluation to detect imbalances or pathologies that may intervene in the execution of the plan and routine.
  • Diet should be in line with the plan so that weight loss goals are met.
  • It is important to start exercising gradually and gradually increase the intensity in response to progress and follow-up.
  • Aerobic exercise (running, walking, cycling, swimming, dancing…) to be effective must last (at least) 20 minutes a day. Performing 30 minutes of moderate cardiovascular activity (5 times a week) is a good weight loss routine. It is also recommended to try to practice 20 minutes of intense cardiovascular activity (3 times a week) such as running, stepping, spinning or soccer, basketball, tennis, etc.
  • Muscle toning exercises require between 5 and 15 minutes a day. The repetitions range between 13 and 20 for each series.
  • Stretching helps release tension and improves slenderness and body posture. The most advisable thing is to stretch the lumbar and cervical area before sleeping to obtain a better quality of sleep. Sleeping well promotes weight loss.

Keep in mind that aerobic exercise routines can become ineffective and cause a consequent loss of muscle mass accompanied by a slowing of metabolism, so it will be necessary to make dietary adjustments to avoid weight gain and put on weight again. . In this sense, the best exercise routine to lose weight quickly and effectively should be variable. Workouts should be modified and periodic changes in pace, speed, and type of exercise should be made.

Finally, if you take care of and respect your diet, eat healthily and reduce (slightly) your caloric intake, it is certain that you will get rid of a few extra kilos effectively and, what is better, you will also feel fitter, more at ease. with yourself, healthy and prepared to take on any challenge that comes your way in life.

After all, having an ideal weight, being healthy and having gained habits for life is invaluable!