Diet for people with cancer to improve results and feel better

The phrase “we are what we eat” is something that should be kept in mind. And, when we talk about a diet for people who are fighting cancer, even more so. Eating well is essential during the fight to be able to alleviate the side effects of the treatment and for the body to react in the best way. Here we explain everything you need to know about the diet for people with cancer .

Diet for people with cancer, everything you need to know

If you are fighting cancer or have a family member or friend who is suffering from it, we advise you to take into account the importance of diet, especially during and after treatment .

The importance of maintaining weight

One of the main problems faced by people with cancer is the loss of body mass during treatment . This can be caused by several factors, such as vomiting, poor appetite, nausea, or that the tumor is absorbing too much energy from the body and is stealing fat stores. All of these factors, along with weight loss, can lead to malnutrition and cause health to falter even more.

In order to avoid weight loss and malnutrition, it is vital to have a nutritionist who knows all the phases of the disease and serves as a guide to eat a balanced diet appropriate to the circumstances.

Quality carbohydrates

As in any balanced diet, it is very important to select the best foods and put aside all processed or refined foods, since they are not of quality even though they have a higher caloric intake.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body and it is recommended to consume them in a holistic way in order to obtain fiber that helps in digestion. The consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grain cereals is recommended to also obtain vitamins, minerals and fiber, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Fiber is essential for the body to digest the food eaten. Of course, you have to know how to differentiate between the two types of fiber that can be consumed. One is insoluble fiber , which helps the body to more easily expel the residues of food than eaten; and soluble fiber , which binds to the water in the stool and makes it softer.

La fibra es muy importante en la dieta para personas con cáncer

There are other foods, such as bread, rice, lentils, peas, and pasta, that will provide energy to the body. Industrial foods, such as sweets or pastries, should be avoided because although they provide carbohydrates they do not have any type of vitamin, mineral or fiber.

Fat is necessary for the body

As much as in recent years they have tried to avoid foods with fat , this is essential for the proper functioning of the body and, as we have mentioned before, it is important to know the origin to know if it is of quality or not. The main function of fats is the storage of energy, isolating the body to protect the organs and guaranteeing the correct absorption of vitamins.

You have to pay close attention to the origin of fats , since they have an important role in the functioning of the heart and cholesterol levels. We must prioritize the consumption of monounsaturated fats , present in olive oil; and polyunsaturated fats , present in shellfish and in corn or sunflower oil. But you have to avoid saturated and trans fats .

Saturated fats are present in animal products, such as meat and dairy products. Special care must be taken because they are also present in some vegetable oils, such as palm oil, which has been talked about so much in recent years due to its intense use in industrial bakery and sweet products. And, although saturated fats can be consumed, it must always be in a very moderate way and within a balanced diet, as something specific.

Trans fats , meanwhile, are present in industrial salty snacks, such as popcorn and chips; and in hydrogenated vegetable oils, very present in precooked products, such as pizzas and croquettes.

Hay que evitar las grasas malas en la dieta

Proteins and their importance for tissues

Proteins are, along with fats and carbohydrates, essential for the proper functioning of the body . They are responsible for the construction of tissues, enzymes, hormones, antibodies and some neurotransmitters, hence they are essential.

Proteins are made up of chains of essential and non-essential amino acids , which are proteins that the body cannot produce on its own but are necessary for the proper functioning of the body . Non-essential amino acids are present in meat, fish, eggs and legumes, so it will be extremely important to incorporate them into the diet for people with cancer.

There are many types of diet but, if you do not suffer from an intolerance or allergy that prevents the consumption of certain foods, it is recommended to eat a diet that combines proteins of animal and vegetable origin .

Proteins of animal origin are perhaps the most complete for the body, but red meat should be consumed in a moderate way , especially beef and sausages. In fact, it has been shown in some studies that red meat can cause heart problems and increase the risk of cancer. In addition, processed meats, such as sausages, are high in fat and contain a lot of salt, something that is not beneficial for the body in large quantities.

Evitar las carnes rojas y embutidos en enfermos de cáncer

Proteins of plant origin are beneficial for the body, but you have to be careful if you are eating a diet based only on this type of protein. Vitamin B12 , very necessary for the proper functioning of the body, although it has reserves, is not found in protein foods of plant origin and, therefore, it must be consumed through supplements. Of course, always under the supervision of a nutritionist.

The diet can be adapted to the needs of the patient

The side effects of the treatment can be different in each patient and do not always follow the same pattern. In the event that the patient, for whatever reason, cannot consume a basic food or has a vitamin deficiency, the dietitian will have to develop a totally personalized diet in which absolutely all needs are covered without affecting their health. . To prepare this diet, you must take into account the physical problems that the treatment is causing in the patient and the possible existence of previous problems. The end result will be a balanced diet that must be respected during treatment and throughout the disease process.

The importance of good hydration

In a balanced diet, liquids are also very important. All foods that are consumed, to a greater or lesser extent, provide water to the body. An average consumption of 2 liters of water per day is recommended to have good hydration, within which the water contained in food is included.

Consumption of packaged juices, carbonated and sugary drinks is not recommended because they have a high amount of added sugars. This means that although they provide a significant amount of energy, they do not contain any quality nutrients.


We have detailed the different food groups that should be part of a diet for a person with cancer and we have also specified those that should be reduced or even eliminated. It is extremely important to eat a balanced, varied and healthy diet during and after treatment so that the body is functioning at its best. By following these guidelines, the effects of the treatment can be overcome from a much stronger physical state.