All the benefits of rice milk if you consume it daily

Rice is one of the main nutritious foods out there. For your body to be healthy, you should incorporate rice into your diet. A simple way to do it is through rice milk . In this article you will discover all the benefits of rice milk if you consume it daily.

Among the different types of cereals that exist, rice is one of the most outstanding. Especially brown rice, which provides us with a large amount of fiber and vitamins . You can eat it alone, in soup, or with various condiments. You can also prepare rice milk and take advantage of its magnificent benefits.

beneficios que te aporta la leche de arroz

Rice properties

Rice is one of the essential foods in the diet of several countries in the world. Among the countries that consume it the most, those in South Asia and Latin America stand out. The reason why it is so consumed is based on the fact that it has numerous properties , among which the following stand out:

Great source of energy

Due to its high content of carbohydrates , rice is one of the foods that provides the most energy to the body.

Very high nutritional value

Both brown rice and white rice have a nutritional value that is unique . White rice has high amounts of minerals like iron and calcium . It is also rich in vitamin D and thiamine . For its part, brown rice is a source of fiber , which makes it a perfect ally for good digestion.

It is good for the heart.

Rice is low in saturated fat and cholesterol ; therefore, it is a good ally for our hearts.

It prevents illnesses

As we have explained, rice is good for the heart, so with it cardiovascular diseases are avoided. In addition, as the rice husk has diuretic properties , it becomes a powerful remedy for dysentery.

Helps to lose weight

A diet that is based on rice will be low in fat , therefore it will help you lose weight. If it is combined with vegetables, there is a greater absorption of nutrients, and in this way there is a greater feeling of satiety. Of course, it better be brown rice, and not in excess, since a large amount of carbohydrates helps you gain weight.

Gluten free

As it is gluten-free rice is transformed into a useful food for all persons who are coeliacs. All kinds of dishes can be prepared for those who must eat gluten-free. These dishes can range from pizas to empanadas made with the base of rice.

What is rice milk?

Rice milk is a milk of vegetable origin highly recommended for all those people who are intolerant to lactose and gluten. It is also widely consumed by people who are vegetarians and vegans.

In order to make rice milk , you only need one cup of rice, twelve cups of water, and a pinch of cinnamon . You must put the ingredients in a pot and boil them. When the rice is soft, and the water has reduced by half and is white, you should remove the mixture from the heat and let it rest. Then you just have to blend it and you will get the rice milk.

Properties of rice milk

Rice milk is rich in minerals like potassium and magnesium . It has a high content of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, and vitamins B12 and D. This milk is also a great antioxidant that fights free radicals. It is low in fat, therefore it helps in a balanced diet.

beneficios de la leche de arroz

Benefits of rice milk

Among the many benefits that rice milk provides, the following stand out:

Prevents cardiovascular problems and strokes

Thanks to the enormous amount of flavonoids it contains, rice milk helps prevent cardiovascular problems and strokes .

Strengthens the immune system

Due to its high concentration of vitamin D and B12, and certain minerals, this milk is very good for strengthening the immune system .

It is an energy drink

Due to its high vitamin concentration, it becomes an ideal ally to obtain energy. You can take it in the morning, as soon as the day begins, and you will get a lot of energy.

Fight anemia

Due to its high iron content, rice milk is an essential food to fight anemia.


Rice is one of the most important foods that you can include in your diet . Rice milk , easy to prepare, will provide you with the nutrients your body needs. Make sure to incorporate this fabulous food into your diet and you will see the results.