All the benefits of brown rice if you include it in your diet

Brown rice is a type of whole rice that, unlike white, retains most of the germ and husk of it. In this way, this food preserves most of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are normally extracted in industrial processes to whiten it . Due to its high nutritional content, it can help you control your weight and blood sugar levels, as well as prevent cardiovascular diseases. Know all the benefits of brown rice when consuming it!

Propiedades del arroz integral

Nutritional contribution of brown rice

Brown rice is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and compounds that will help you improve your health and prevent some diseases . According to data from the United States Department of Agriculture, for every 100 grams of brown rice you can obtain up to 367 kcal and the following nutrients:

  • Water: 11.8 g.
  • Energy: 367 kcal / 1534 kJ.
  • Protein: 7.54 g.
  • Lipids: 3.2 g.
  • Ash: 1.21 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 76.25 g.
  • Dietary fiber: 3.6 g.
  • Sugars (sucrose): 0.66 g.
  • Starch: 72.51 g.
  • Phosphorus: 311 mg.
  • Potassium: 250 mg.
  • Magnesium: 115 mg.
  • Selenium: 17.1 mg.
  • Calcium: 9 mg.
  • Sodium: 5 mg.
  • Manganese: 2,853 mg.
  • Zinc: 2.13 mg.
  • Iron: 1.29 mg.
  • Copper: 0.302 mg.
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1): 0.541 mg.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 0.095 mg.
  • Niacin (vitamin B3): 6,494 mg.
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 1,065 mg.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6): 0.477 mg.
  • Folate (vitamin B9): 23 mg.
  • Alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E): 0.6 mg.
  • Choline (vitamin J or also associated with B7): 21.5 mg.
  • Phylloquinone (vitamin K): 0.6 mg

In addition, by including it in your diet, it will provide you with fatty acids, antioxidants and amino acids that will help improve your health . However, the amount of these nutrients can vary according to the way the rice is prepared.

Benefits of brown rice

Brown rice is rich in nutrients and organic compounds that will help improve your overall health.

It is a source of energy

Brown rice is a food with a high contribution of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and organic compounds that will help you obtain and produce energy . In this way, you can carry out your activities without feeling exhausted or resorting to sugary foods as a source of energy. In this sense, because of these benefits that brown rice provides, it is usually an important ingredient in healthy diets.

Ventajas de incluir arroces con fibra en la dieta

Supports metabolism and the immune system

This food is rich in vitamins B and D, as well as fiber, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and manganese. In this way, thanks to its properties, it will help you stimulate your metabolism and improve the functioning of your body, including the immune and nervous system . For these benefits that brown rice provides, it is recommended to improve health in general.

It helps control weight

Brown rice is a food rich in nutrients, amino acids and organic compounds that will activate your metabolism, thus achieving a higher calorific consumption . In addition, due to its significant contribution of fibers, it will help you maintain a feeling of satiety for a longer time.

Similarly, due to its contribution of manganese and phosphorus, your body can better synthesize fats and prevent their accumulation. Likewise, it is low in cholesterol, sodium and harmful fats that can make you gain weight . Due to these benefits that brown rice provides, it is recommended to control obesity and avoid consuming more food than necessary

Helps control blood sugar levels

This food provides slow absorption carbohydrates, which will help you control blood sugar levels, since it is released slowly. In this sense, it will help you to have energy for a long time and to stabilize the sugar in the bloodstream. In this way, due to these benefits that brown rice provides, it is recommended for diabetics.

Improves cardiovascular health

Brown rice is rich in antioxidants and amino acids that will help you strengthen your cardiovascular health . In addition, thanks to its contribution of selenium and manganese, it will help you control cholesterol levels and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Beneficios que te aportará el arroz integral al consumirlo

Likewise, due to its contribution of fibers and low content of harmful fats and sodium, this food will help you protect your circulatory system . For these benefits that brown rice provides, it is recommended for people with heart or vascular problems, blood pressure and cholesterol.

May help prevent cancer

This food is rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A and C, and polyphenols, which will help you eliminate free radicals . In addition, being a rich source of dietary fibers it can help you prevent colon and intestinal cancer.

Likewise, these nutrients can protect your tissues and help prevent premature aging . For these benefits that brown rice provides, it is usually recommended to prevent various types of cancer.

Protect your skin and hair

Brown rice is a food rich in nutrients and important amino acids that will help you protect your skin and hair . In addition, due to its contribution of vitamins A, C and E, it will stimulate collagen production and healing, and will soften and prevent tissue aging.

Likewise, due to its contribution of selenium and zinc, this food can help prevent skin aging and protect it from the action of the sun . In the same way, for all the nutrients and benefits that brown rice provides, it can help you delay the appearance of wrinkles, reduce inflammation of the skin and reduce irritations.

May help prevent Alzheimer's

Thanks to its contribution of amino acids and antioxidants, brown rice can stimulate the development of neurotransmitters. In this way, it can help you improve your memory and prevent the degeneration of your neurons . Due to these benefits that brown rice provides, it is recommended for people with Alzheimer's or other neurodegenerative diseases.

Ventajas d consumir alimentos ricos en fibras

It favors the elimination of liquids

Brown rice is rich in nutrients like potassium, which have diuretic effects and can help you eliminate toxins and uric acid . In this sense, consuming this food can help you avoid fluid retention and prevent poisoning.

Improves the functioning of the digestive system

Due to its contribution of fibers, minerals, vitamins and nutrients, brown rice can help you improve the digestion of food. Likewise, it will facilitate the function of the intestine and can help you prevent different types of cancer related to the digestive system . Because of these benefits that brown rice provides, it is recommended for people with stomach and intestinal problems, colic, diarrhea or irritation of the colon.


Brown rice is an important source of nutrients that will help you improve the functioning of your body. In the same way, by consuming it in a moderate way you can prevent some cardiovascular and digestive diseases . In addition, you can take advantage of other benefits that brown rice provides such as controlling your body weight and blood sugar levels.