6 exercises to get a wide high back

Looking for exercises to get a wide high back ? It is one of the objectives that many athletes want to achieve, but it is necessary to carry out a very specific training and be constant in each of its points. It will be the only way to achieve this goal that shapes the body and makes each person feel more confident and proud of themselves . Therefore, throughout this article we will tell you everything you must do step by step.

Exercises to get a wide high back

If you are looking for exercises to achieve a wide high back, you have come to the right place. In this section we will show you what you must do to obtain these results. You will notice the difference in a few weeks, as long as you are persistent and bet on a good result.

Straight Arm Pulley Extensions

ejercicios para conseguir una espalda alta ancha

It is an exercise that does not have to be carried out with a lot of weight. It is true that you have to feel each movement in your back, but by using a greater load we will not achieve better results .

In this way, we need a high pulley and a wide bar . We stand in front of the latter and hold it in such a way that our hands are wider than our shoulders' width apart. The arms have to be kept straight .

At this point, we must slightly bend our legs and lean the body forward in order to bring the bar closer to our thighs . At all times the back must be kept straight and the arms straight .

Dead weight

ejercicios para conseguir una espalda alta ancha

Normally, we find the deadlift exercise in those routines that aim to strengthen the legs, but what is not so popular is that it also serves to widen the back . Of course: the loads must be increased progressively so that no injury occurs.

To execute it, we must place ourselves in front of a loaded bar. The feet should be separated, at the height of our shoulders. Likewise, we have to keep our back straight, bend our legs and when we bend down, hold the bar with both hands . At this time we must put the body upright, while the bar should be hanging at the height of our thighs . We also have to lock the lats at the top to hold the weight.

To end the exercise, we put the bar on the ground again. To do this, we descend with a straight back . Of course, we should not make any sudden movements, but we have to control the technique at all times.


ejercicios para conseguir una espalda alta ancha

If there is a perfect exercise to widen the back, that is the chin-up . It is true that until we achieve the first one we must train a lot, but once we start, we will feel so satisfied with our achievement that we will not want to stop.

There is a very common mistake when executing chin-ups, and that is that many athletes believe that they should raise their body towards the bar, when in reality what they have to do is bring the bar to their chest . To achieve the latter, it is necessary to flex the arms while pushing out the chest . All this until our chin is at the height of the bar.

The descent phase is also essential to carry it out properly. At no time should we let ourselves fall, but rather we must descend in a controlled way , getting our arms fully stretched.

Barbell row

ejercicios para conseguir una espalda alta ancha

Another exercise to get a wide high back is the barbell row. We only need to have a weighted bar to execute it. In this way, we will work not only the upper part, but the entire back with a single movement. In addition, it is a way to achieve unlimited progress, since we can add as much weight as we want.

Is very simple to do. We only have to take a bar and place the legs apart . Your feet should be more or less shoulder-width apart. Next, we must lean forward in order to form an angle of approximately 45 degrees. At this point we pull the bar so that it touches our chest . The back must be contracted in each repetition. Then it is time to stretch your arms again to drop the bar. All of this must be done in a controlled manner.

It should be noted that we have to avoid gaining momentum with the torso when we begin to lift the weight . In this way, we have to keep it immobile. Likewise, the back also has to be straight during the movement .

One Arm Dumbbell Row

Remo con mancuerna

If you want to gain width in your back , the one-arm dumbbell row is an ideal exercise. Likewise, through it the stability of the core muscles is also worked . The reason is that you have to keep your torso rigid and also your back straight.

To carry it out we need to have at our disposal a bench and a dumbbell that we will grasp with one hand . The one that remains free and the knee on the same side will rest on the bench. The torso should be practically parallel to the ground. At this point, we must lift the dumbbell, bringing the elbow as far back as possible . Then, you have to lower it little by little, always carrying it in a straight line. You must always repeat the exercise with your back straight.

Pull to the chest

Jalón al pecho

To perform the chest pull exercise we must use a high pulley with the long bar. In this way we can work our back very efficiently in order to widen it. To do this, before starting the movement, it is essential to place ourselves in the seat adjusting the support of the legs .

The purpose is that the latter remain firm and prevent us from getting up while we execute the exercise in order to do it well. Next, we must grasp the bar at a distance that exceeds the separation of our shoulders. It is at this moment when we must transfer the bar to our chest . Likewise, we have to slightly throw the body back.