4 reasons to leave your gadgets at home when you go for a run

Gadgets have become one of the main companions of a runner, well to feel connected with the world despite running while listening to your favorite music, to be aware of the time so as not to be late for work, not to miss any important calls or record the time you have been running.

However, taking your running gadgets with you is not always so beneficial. Learn about 4 reasons to leave your gadgets at home when you run . It is time to disconnect from the outside world and focus on each step you are going to take.Beneficios de correr sin gadgets

4 reasons to leave your gadgets at home when you run

1. Take care of your safety

For runners on the streets it is much safer to go for a run without headphones. Why? In this way, you can hear the sound of nearby cars and cyclists passing near you. This will also keep you more focused on crossings and avoid any kind of accident.

If, instead, you are a trail runner, you will stay more focused on the steps you take and will not run in a hasty way because of the music you are listening to or because of the rush you have to complete the route. This will help you exercise caution and avoid spraining your ankles.

Do you have to go through dangerous neighborhoods? On these occasions, it is best to leave the mobile phone in your pocket, in this way you will be more focused on the environment and you will always be one step ahead of any unforeseen circumstance. Use the phone only in emergencies.

Cómo correr más seguro por la ciudad

2. Lower your stress levels

Nothing ruins your running training more than obsessively observing the distance you are running or the anxiety that can cause your run to be unpleasant and not reach your main goal. For this reason, it is recommended that you leave any gadgets at home that make your career unpleasant.Dejar tus gadgets en casa para bajar el estrés

3. Maintain a normal rhythm

Obsessing over a high pace when it comes to running can do more harm than good to your body. If you have an application that measures the distance you run and you want to obsessively break that record, and at the same time you are wearing headphones, you may be doing things wrong, since you may be more focused on reaching the goal than on the attention you should pay it really to your body.

Are you treading properly? Do your hips rotate enough? Are you stroking the right way? You cannot keep an eye on all this and at the same time worry about your pace while concentrating on your gadget.Mantener un ritmo adecuado de carrera sin Smartwatch

4. Interact with other people

This is one of the main advantages offered by going for a run without any device that takes all your attention. If you plan to go for a run with a friend or a group of runners, it is best to leave your headphones and your GPS watch at home; This way you will be able to connect with other people and you will get a good motivational boost.Beneficios de salir a correr sin auriculares


Going for a run with different devices that “help” you to be a more complete athlete is not a bad option, but you should try the benefits of going for a run without your usual gadgets . It may sound totally crazy to those people who are immersed in technology, but it is actually a good option to pay more attention to the road, your body and the environment you pass through.

Beneficios de correr sin auriculares


  • Rashelle, B. 5 Reasons to Leave Your Gadgets at Home on Your Next Run. For Active [Revised August 2018].